nowell's space

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i've come to a conclusion, and though i don't like it, i think acknowledging it and seeing the silver linings in it is an important part of of the progression of this website. the conclusion is this:

this website will always be imperfect. i am not a good enough websmaster/programmer/html freak to make it perfect, and i have to be willing to accept that. i could try and use a real hosting service that supports PHP or wordpress to try and make consistent formatting with universal navigation, but that takes away the simplicity that neocities (and the early internet) offers. i think these "improved" technologies actually take away a beautiful part of the early web--that being, the inconsistency of it all.

i've decided that i want to make a simple website that isn't easy to give a perfect makeover to all at once. i love old websites (like this one) where the older articles and pages are in a different style than the newer ones. it shows the progression of a webmaster's skill, personal tastes, and technology as the website develops. moreover, when the website does work seamlessly with perfect navigation, you can feel the effort that the developer put into it. maybe that's just because i have felt the struggle of trying to organize a (admittedly small) hand coded website, but it does feel nice when everything just... works.

so with that being said, i think i need to find a way to remind myself that this website isn't going to be perfect, and i cannot intend for it to be perfect. i will go crazy if i try. my original idea was to put a small speck somewhere on my homepage (like those things that are made to make you think you have a smudge on your monitor), but i decided not to go with that. i wanted something a little more dramatic.

instead, i tried my hand at a little css magic. i added this tag to the css on my main div (content):

.content{transform: rotate(2deg);}

so my website is now 2 degrees off-kilter just for fun. will i keep it that way? i'm not sure. i worry that it might make my site inaccesible. but for now, i'm keeping it. even if i change it, i'll make sure to do another fun code experiment to make it even more fun.

because that's what this is about--fun. i am not doing this to make a webdev portfolio so someone will hire me. i'm doing this because i enjoy it. that's all.